Sensors, Energy, and Automation Laboratory

Our core expertise lies in the areas of sensors, energy, and automation. We apply our knowledge to solving problems in medicine, avionics, wearable tech, defense, energy, and sustainability. Our associates spin off new start-ups, work with industry partners, publish papers, write code, work hard, and have fun as well.

We are always open to new members who want to join our projects. Our lab operates like a giant role-playing game. We have quests, battlestations, squads, a sandbox with simple tasks for beginners, and mission-critical teams, which are comprised of high performers. To stay in the game, you must be motivated and focused. Experience is welcome, but not necessary.

SEAL Teams


Industrial Training and Assessment Center team, focused on the development of technical solutions for energy efficiency and sustainability.


Group focused on the research of high voltage plasma technology, with applications in medical devices, filters, avionics, and satellites.


This group leads the creation of university spin-off companies, writing of proposals, coordination of scholarship applications, and marketing.


Embedded Group focuses on embedded instrumentation, including sensor design, Arduino system, weak-signal detection, and signal processing, with various applications in agriculture development, scientific measurement, environmental science, etc.


DevOps group focused on development of software, web pages, apps, scripts, and media.


This group develops and applies teaching tools and techniques, tested in many courses at UW and worldwide.

Get Credits

You can get academic credit while working at SEAL. Most students pick between 1-3 credits depending on the level of commitment they have to the lab.

Experience Research

UW is a world-famous research university and SEAL is a perfect introduction to the world of research. See what UW research has to offer with SEAL.

Skills To Add To Resume

At SEAL you learn by doing. Working on a project in the lab will invariably teach you new skills to add onto your resume.

Possibilities Of Publications And Scholarships

At SEAL we encourage and support students in the quest for publications and scholarships, of which there are plenty opportunities to gain. Publications are excellent for anyone with graduate school on their radar.